Friend list
Adding a friend list to facilitate transfer between friends (for crypto and fiat transfer)
Would be nice to have a spliting bill option between 2 or more people.
If possible with history listing all the transactions between people and group of people so we can track if we forgot or not to payback.
Comments: 2
04 Nov, '24
wackfx MergedAs of today, we only see the beneficiary when we want to make a wire transfer.
When having a beneficiary with multiple bank accounts registered, it's hard to differentiate bank accounts (as they all display the same beneficiary, only the IBAN is different)
Allowing the user to define a custom alias when adding a beneficiary would allow the user to differentiate those beneficiary's bank accounts -
31 Dec, '24
Thierry MergedAbility to add a contact by scanning phone’s contact list
And so be able to transfer them easily
Exactly like on Revolut